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  • از 23 تا 29 مهر 1401
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  • برنامه نيمسال دوم 1403
  • برنامه برگزاري كلاس ها و ساعات مشاوره در نيمسال دوم سال تحصيلي 1403
  • شما گفته اید . . .
    • ۴ آذر ۰۱، ۲۱:۰۳ - پرنیا محمدزمانی
    • ۲ آذر ۰۱، ۲۰:۱۳ - امیرحسین سالاری
    • ۲ آذر ۰۱، ۲۰:۱۰ - امیرحسین سالاری

    عناوین پروژه های مربوط به درس دینامیک

    دوشنبه, ۱۰ اسفند ۱۳۹۴، ۰۳:۱۲ ب.ظ

    به اطلاع دانشجویان محترمی که درس دینامیک سیستم های قدرت1 را در ترم جاری با اینجانب اخذ نموده اند می رساند عناوین پروژه های انتخابی توسط دانشجویان که تا کنون به تایید رسیده است به صورت زیر می باشد.

    شماره دانشجویی عنوان پروژه انتخابی مشخصات
    Rotor angle small signal stability assessment in transmission network expansion planning Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 128, Nov. 2015

    Real Time Congestion Management in Power Systems Considering Quasi-Dynamic Thermal Rating and Congestion Clearing Time

    IEEE Transactions on industrial informatics, vol.12, no.2, April 2016


    Multilevel A-Diakoptics for the Dynamic Power-Flow Simulation of Hybrid Power Distribution Systems

    IEEE Transactions on industrial informatics, vol.12, no.1, Feb. 2016

    Development and application of a standstill parameter identification technique for the synchronous generator International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems,vol.81, Oct. 2016.
     39401220  Design of power system stabilizers based on μ-controller for power system stability enhancement International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems,vol. 63, Dec. 2014
     39402758  Nonlinear Koopman Modes and Power System Stability Assessment Without Models IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.29, no.2, March 2014

    Adaptive Power System for Managing Large Dynamic Loads

    IEEE Transactions on power delivery, vol.31, no.2, April. 2016

     39401777  Load frequency control in deregulated environments via active disturbance rejection International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 66, March 2015

    Local and Wide-Area PMU-Based Decentralized Dynamic State Estimation in Multi-Machine Power Systems

    IEEE Transactions on power systems, vol.31, no.1, Jan. 2016

     39400557  Voltage Stability Assessment Using Equivalent Nodal Analysis IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.31, no.1,Jan. 2016

    The Effect of FRT Behavior of VSC-HVDC Connected Offshore Wind Power Plants on AC/DC System Dynamics

    IEEE Transactions on power delivery, vol.31, no.2, April. 2016

     39401063  Analysis of Power System Dynamics Subject to Stochastic Power Injections IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol.60 , no.12, Dec. 2013

    Application of Recurrence Quantification Analysis to Power System Dynamic Studies

    IEEE Transactions on power systems, vol.31, no.1, Jan. 2016

     39400805  Structure-Preserved Power System Transient Stability Using Stochastic Energy Functions IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol:27, no.3,Aug. 2012
     39402787  An Efficient Voltage-Behind-Reactance Formulation-Based Synchronous Machine Model for Electromagnetic Transients IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol.28, no.3, July 2013
     39402129  Applying a wide-area measurement system to validate the dynamic model of a part of European power system Electric  Power  Systems  Research, vol.119, Feb. 2015
    39303667 A Novel Multi-Stage Fuel Cost Minimization in a VSC-Based Microgrid Considering Stability, Frequency, and Voltage Constraints IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.28,no.2, MAY 2013
    39402803 پروژه تحقیقاتی (پیرامون خطا یاب) با همکاری شرکت توزیع استان سیستان و بلوچستان

    Static and Dynamic Power System Load Emulation in a Converter-Based Reconfigurable Power Grid Emulator

    IEEE Transactions on power electronics, vol.31, no.4, April. 2016

     39400886  Technique to Develop Auto Load Shedding and Islanding Scheme to Prevent Power System Blackout IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.27, no.1, Feb.2012
     39403043  A measurement-based power system model for dynamic response estimation and instability warning Electric Power Systems, Research,Volume 124, July 2015

    Stability Analysis and Dynamic Performance Evaluation of a Power Electronics-Based DC Distribution System With Active Stabilizer

    IEEE journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics, vol.4, no.1, March 2016


    An Efficient Multi-area Networks-Merging Model for Power System Online Dynamic Modeling

    CSEE journal of power and energy systems, vol.1, no.4, Dec. 2015

    39400625 Dynamic Stability of a Micro grid With an Active Load IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.28, no.11, Nov.2013
     39402394  An integrated approach for optimal placement and tuning of power system stabilizer in multi-machine systems International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol.63, Dec.2014
     39401965  Dynamic Stability Improvement of a Power System Based on a PSO-Tuned H2 Controller Balkan Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering, vol.2, no.1, 2014.

    Impact of Dynamic Behavior of Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems on Short-Term Voltage Stability

    IEEE Transactions on power systems, vol.30, no.6, Nov. 2015

     39402237  A Novel Objective Function and Algorithm for Optimal PSS Parameter Design in a Multi-Machine Power System IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.28, no.1, Feb. 2013

    Dynamic Modeling and Interaction of Hybrid Natural Gas and Electricity Supply System in Microgrid

    IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.30, no.3, May. 2015
    موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۹۴/۱۲/۱۰

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